Equations that changed the world

Pythagora’s Theorem, Pythagoras, 530 BC


Logarithms, John Napier, 1610


Calculus, Isaac Newton, 1668


Law of Grativity, Isaac Newton, 1687


The Square Root of Minus One, Imaginary Numbers, Euler, 1750


Euler’s Formula of Polyhedra, Euler, 1751


Normal Distribution, C.F. Gauss, 1810


Wave Equation, J. d’Almbert, 1746


Fourier Transform, J. Fourier, 1822


Navier-Stokes Equation, C. Navier, G. Stokes, 1845


Maxwell’s Equations, J.C. Maxwell, 1865


Second Law of Thermodynamics, L. Boltzmann, 1874


Relativity, A. Einstein, 1905


Schrodinger’s Equation, E. Schrodinger, 1927


Information Theory, C. Shannon, 1949

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